速報APP / 美妝造型 / Stylegy By Nidhi

Stylegy By Nidhi





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Proficient Knowledge Group

Stylegy By Nidhi(圖1)-速報App

In an increasingly competitive world, first impressions are everything. This is why personal stylist and image consultant, Nidhi Singh, has dedicated her life to making sure each of her client’s unique personalities truly shine through. Nidhi possesses the power of style, elevating everyday fashion choices into the realm of the exceptional. From busy entrepreneurs to housewives that want to look their best, she makes common people look extraordinary. She has already transformed hundreds of clients around the world by crafting an elegant personal style for them.

Stylegy By Nidhi(圖2)-速報App

Nidhi draws on her dynamic professional and educational experiences to guide her clients into successful fashion choices. She holds her Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Delhi, a Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing, and an Executive MBA from Cass Business School, London. As a finance industry veteran gone rogue, she approaches each consultation with the same attention to detail that made her so successful in the business arena.

Stylegy By Nidhi(圖3)-速報App

For Nidhi, style is a passion and an art form. She strives to make her services affordable and accessible to everybody. A well-travelled adventurer, Nidhi has worked internationally in India and Dubai. Her work is global, so no matter where you are, she can help you look your best! She draws inspiration from her travels, curating collections that keep her clients on the cutting edge of fashion.